Cool.....thanks to Mary, now, I've got FOUR known readers to this blog! Keep it up, and this might be on the Technorati top ten.......although, I've looked at it, and nothing on it seems terribly fascinating! There are about two blogs that I'll look at every so often: and .......both well worth your time.....
That is, like, so gay.......
Interesting that Ann Coulter said "You Have To Go Into Rehab If You Use The Word ‘Faggot'"
This comes out of the throat of a "woman" who possesses an Adam's apple....

So John Edwards turns this around and uses it as an opportunity to request that you send money to his campaign!
Speaking of opportunists......I'd like to see Barrak Obama win the Democratic nod......not big on anyone whose religion influences their political decisions.....but he smokes! And I'd rather have decisions with national implications made in a smoke-filled room than at an altar........
CAN'T git this Goddamm song outta my head.......
FUN stuff from some people my sister went to college with. Who stole the kishka??
Speaking of Old Eastern Europa.......this post brought to you by HE'BREW!
Not great.....but not bad!! Purchased mostly for the novelty effect........
Other dronings.....
Just saw a good flick - Mike Judge of Office Space as well as Beavis and Butt-Head fame......remember, this could be our children's future.....if it isn't here already.....
Random dull pics are now available on the foto-blog
The few first pics with the new camera.......try to enjoy!!
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