.....sorry to the three folks who read this.....I'd been traveling, and trying to leave the Laptop aside, sooo......
Cheap hits.....two full seconds after the fact!
See for yourself......what a skumbag! Still think Lindy Ruff shoulda jumped the glass and went after Hitler-on-Ice himself, Bryan Murray...and yet Lindy is the one who gets fined? Jesus Christ...after that cheap, dirty hit, I'd be rather upset if my coach did NOT send out the goons to send a message......
Old Man River......
Went down to Northern Mississippi a couple weekends ago. Few interesting things.....
Old School Hot Wings: It's this little shack right on Highway 61 in Walls, Mississippi. You got to try it.....I mean, I like to think of myself as a true connoisseur of wings, and I can't recommend this place enough. I did, however, make the mistake of ordering "very hot" and I paid the price for that. Wasn't the hottest level of the wings they offer, though....THAT is called "Mississippi Burning" and possess chemical properties that are known to have the ability to corrode diamond.
Highway 61: Road of the Blues....and also an amusing flick that's well worth seeing. Fast drivers but slow service and sllllloooooow pace of life.

Having to pick up things like toofpaste, deodorant, etc., I stopped at a supermarket (more like a grocery store, actually) called "Piggly Wiggly" (which is what we all used to refer to New York State Troopers as back in my Buffalo days), and then saw these huge-ass billboards saying "shop historic, scenic, old downtown Tunica." Cool...I wanted to pick up some authentic Deep-South gifts for friends back in Portlandia, so this sounds like it's gonna fit the bill.
DID find a cute little gift shop. And I discovered that Downtown Tunica is lovely, clean, historic, Mayberry-like.........and completely closed with nobody on the sidewalks at all and ZERO shops and stores of ANY sort open.....looked like a neutron bomb hit it! Don't try to go gift shopping there on a Saturday afternoon at around 1pm.....the town is closed.....
Golly....there was no Internet access at all in my hotel room. Huh?? I mean, just about ALL hotels and a lot of motels have some sort of Internet access......I mean, WHY wouldn't a major casino wish to offer its guests Internet access right in their hotel rooms??? Gosh....especially when the nearest convenience store is over three miles away and the nearest town of over 2,000 souls in population is forty miles away?? Can't figure THAT one out for the life of me.....
In the desert, in the dry.....
Went to New Mexico this past weekend....couple quick notes:
There are NO 24-hour gaz stations in Albuquerque (not even unmanned ones that just do credit cards)!! Nor any 24-hour rental car counters.....this in a 795,000 person Metropolitan area....emmm-kay.....six-dollar-a-gallon rental car gas blows big time! Although, I think eighteen buxx is a small price to pay as opposed to pumping gaz at 4am in the middle of the nastiest part of The Barrio......
Nice to have a layover in Denver...got to read a literate, well-written newspaper for once!!
Killer ribs in both places....Memphis and Albuquerque......felt the -itis, but no Mud Butt....
Was pissed of at having to wait on the "special search lane" at PDX which literally didn't fucking move (but I knew to expect this because I had bought my ticket mere hours earlier and, thus, I had seen that my ticket was labeled with the lovely "SSSS" symbol in the lower right-hand corner). It was then where, in the "normal" queues, I had seen a total stereotype of a gangly, red-blooded American boy about 18 or 19 years old smiling and waving goodbye to his mother, who had a very worried look on her face. I then looked at the "ARMY" baseball cap he was wearing and the "Army of One" T-Shirt he had on and put one and one together. Saw his mum bravely not crying but slightly trembling, as the lad cleared security and waved and smiled at her one final time.....maybe thee last time....and she slowly walked away, with another lady holding her hand............................
......I then immediately went straight to the Cafe and ordered a big mug of Shut The Fuck Up for myself.....and learned to put things in perspective........

Reposted without permission from The Buffalo Beast (www.buffalobeast.com)
And, the final scores:
Four flight legs in and out (PDX-MEM/MEM-PDX and PDX-ABQ/ABQ-PDX):
- One Bic lighter
TSA missed -
- One small tube of Carmex lip balm
- Two Bic lighters
- One Corkscrew
No, but seriously......for The Academy Awards:
Correct: 8
Entertainment Weekly hit 12 out of 24
Jesus, again......WHY do I bother?
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