- Just reading how, now that she's running for president, Hilary Clinton is being pressured to explain her vote authorising Bush to invade Iraq!
WHY.....WHY was she (and the other chicken-shit democrats like John Kerry, John "PlayStation3" Edwards, Diane Feinstein, Chuck Schumer and several other ChickenCrats) not pressured publicly in the media THEN, at THAT time....in 2002.....to explain their yes votes to authorise the invasion of Iraq???
And today, HOW do these people dare have the nerve to say "Well....yeah, I did vote for sending troops into Iraq in 2002....but it was that goddamm Dubya who screwed everything up! Yeah....it's all HIS fault! Yeah....me?? Naw, I just voted to put the ball in his court......BUSH screwed it up, NOT me!! Naw-uh...I'M not to blame!"
And I wonder if the Republicans hadn't lost the House and Senate in November, and let's say they were still in complete power, do you think they'd be jumping ship from the U.S.S. Dubya and joining the ChickenCrats in opposing the war in the numbers they are now??
That's how Americans like to play the game.....ALWAYS make sure you're playing for the side that happens to be in the lead at the moment! Like how Italy was fighting for whichever side was winning at the time in World War II, our brave and hearty "do the right thing" US Senators always vote with their conscious.......even if their stand on an issue is unpopular.....right? Right.....?
And Barack Obama is capitalising on this by saying things like how indeed he was against the Iraq war then, but he wasn't in the Senate at the time to vote against it. Thereby implying that that's what separates him from his opponents in this race......
PUL-EEEEZE!! Could you possibly be a little more opportunistic!
But I hear ya, Barack! I mean, I was very opposed to the Titanic sinking......uhhhh....but, at the time, I was on a different ship and I wasn't there to be able to do anything about it.......but dammit, I sure did speak in opposition to it at that time!
WHY aren't ANY voices of true foresight and integrity (like....uhhhh.....Russ Feingold comes to mind instantly.....Barbara Boxer is another.....Oregon's own Ron Wyden yet a third) running in these primaries?? The ONLY one I see with ANY balls what so ever in this early stage of the race is Kucinich.
And scary boogeyman Tom Tancredo is running! Cool....just when I had thought things were getting staid and humourless......
And the rest of the world wonders why our elections are so fucked up.....Jesus.....
Jesus Christ, Google.....
- ....leave my blog ALONE!!!!!
I was very happy with the way things were (as I generally despise change in my life), and thus had refused Google's numerous attempts to coax me into switching to their "new and improved" updated blogger format (which, also, apparently, also requires you to sign up for some sort of Google account or some shit like that). I guess they're now out of Beta, so I think they want us to throw a party for 'em.....or something.....
Life was good, I was happy.......cool.....fine.
NOW, they are forcing people to update! I mean, I guess I shouldn't bitch, I mean, I'm NOT paying for them to host me or anything, but still.....I liked things the way they were.....
I mean, yeah, it IS free to use, but also please be advised that am I not getting anything from this....which segues very nicely to our next topic......
Weird things I never knew about blogs!
- a.k.a. - Wow.....they really have people who do THAT??
....well, yes, apparently, they do.
Swear....I musta been under a rock for quite a long while, but when I discovered the practise of these two things.....I was gobsmacked!
First scary thing......
They actually PAY CASH for people to blog shit! I mean, yeah, I knew that people allowed their webhost provider to pop adverts on their blog site in return for money (something you'll never see here).....but there was something a lot more shocking and sinister that I had discovered.....
Corporation X can pay you a few bucks PER POST for, say, everytime you mention (in a positive light,of course). Corporation X's brand new product, the widget! As in:
January 29th, 2007
I was at my store when I saw Corporation X's new product, the widget....and I thought I'd give it a try.
Man, let me tell you, it works!! This is just I needed for all of my widgeting needs..........
I mean, there really goes my faith in humanity down the toilet! What some people will do forra buck......Jesus.....
You WILL NEVER have that here in this blog, you have my word for it! The only people I might pitch for is my brand of smokes and for Adbusters magazine, and they both ain't paying me a goddamm thing....and that's just the way I like it!
Second scary thing....
I was at a pub Saturday Night and talking with an individual at the bar who works for a software manufacturer in their web-design department. I mentioned about what I just told you above (unscrupulous people blathering praise for a company's product in their blog posts in exchange for cash payouts) and how that really troubled me!
This individual told me how he has a friend that works for a company that sub-contracts for major corporations by hiring people (at a pretty decent wage, as well) to go out there and look at all possible blogs on the Internet through a number of different searching techniques (Google, Technorati, and a few ingenious methods in addition to the usual suspects), and write a brief statement on how your company's name was mentioned and in what context it was used in whatever blog they find it in!
Again, my jaw hit the floor and I asked the gentleman about this: "So, wait! On MY blog, let's say I type in and post quote 'I had a friend who bought the Corporation X widget and I went over to her house and tried it and she let me borrow it for a week and......' and then Corporation X will actually look at my fucking blog???" I asked the gentleman as the colour drained from my face.....
"You got it...." he replied!
Jesus......just too weird.
He told me that they could even be tracked to prove this!! He said to prop up a fake blog and install tracking software on it and then mention products on that fake blog! And the report will say "Corporation X, San Jose, Calf. 10:42am, Tuesday February 6th, 2007"
OK, now, I haven't tried tracking software since an ex-girlfriend was stalking and harassing me a while ago, and I forgot which tracking program I used at that time....so I'll go dig one up off of the web.
But, I think I'm gonna try this experiment this guy told me about....I'm really curious to see if this is true....
So here we go! It's the Corporation X Blog at http://xcorporationx.blogspot.com/
Feel free to look at it, but be advised that you'll be posted on the hit tracker log....just wanted to make sure you are aware of that! I'll let you know if any of The Corporations that I wrote numb, neutral statements about on this website are tracked as actually viewing the "Corporation X" website! Too weird.....

Man, it's all just like an episode of Futurama....except it's all real.....
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