Brain surgery.......
Now, we don't need Ph.Ds in either Microbiology OR Chemistry to know the following:
Darwin called it Natural's probably thee best example of it I have seen in QUITE a while.....
BEST QUOTE (so far) of 2007:
"Just wanted you to know that your article on microwaving sponges and scrubbers aroused my interest. However, when I put my sponge/scrubber into the microwave, it caught fire, smoked up the house, ruined my microwave, and pissed me off!" one correspondent wrote in an e-mail to Reuters.

So wait....this person was not too embarassed to E-Mail a HUGE media outlet and say they put a dry, foam rubber-esque DRY sponge in the nuker.....please tell me they made this up.....
And no....I did NOT steal that quote from Viz magazine's "Top Tips" section!
Now, we don't need Ph.Ds in either Microbiology OR Chemistry to know the following:
- Thee most germ infested place in your household is the kitchen sink sponge (well....any sponge, for that matter.....nope, sorry Lysol Hyper-Mega virus, bacteria and immunity system killer disinfectant's NOT doorknobs, phones, or the produce that somebody else in the supermarket handled before you did).
- Anything than can melt or combust easily from the inside-out generally should NOT be placed in a microwave. Silverware is reflective, therefore it and other metals should also not be put in a microwave! Rubber is a great example....thus, you generally know (I fucking HOPE you do, anyways) that putting rubber tennis sneakers into the dryer whilst the dryer is set on FULL BORE HOT will result in a less-than-optimal situation. Now, imagine the microwave oven being one hell of a dryer, see where I'm going......
Darwin called it Natural's probably thee best example of it I have seen in QUITE a while.....
BEST QUOTE (so far) of 2007:
"Just wanted you to know that your article on microwaving sponges and scrubbers aroused my interest. However, when I put my sponge/scrubber into the microwave, it caught fire, smoked up the house, ruined my microwave, and pissed me off!" one correspondent wrote in an e-mail to Reuters.

So wait....this person was not too embarassed to E-Mail a HUGE media outlet and say they put a dry, foam rubber-esque DRY sponge in the nuker.....please tell me they made this up.....
And no....I did NOT steal that quote from Viz magazine's "Top Tips" section!
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