This covenant, from 1934, states the following (and this is read and quoted verbatim):
- "No person of any race, other than the Caucasian race, may occupy, or otherwise have use of, said tract, unless as a domestic servant of a Caucasian owner or lessee of said tract."
Taking a loooong weekend......back on The Road.
Blog resumes late next week....
P.S. - Got an E-Mail from somebody who actually reads this blog......this astute individual pointed out that apparently R.J. Reynolds ripped the concept for Camel "Snus" off of the Swedes. It has become quite popular there due to a smoking ban in bars over there.
Still.....if they ever institute a smoking ban in Oregon Pubs (NOT likely, due to large numbers of pubs [maybe 30% - 40%] where the OWNERS are prohibiting smoking [thus, giving ALL consumers a choice] and the fact that the State of Oregon has millions of dollars to lose by instituting a smoking ban in bars [from millions of dollars of lost Video Crack revenue - see .jpeg below]), I'm still not gonna try that snus shit.....just sounds too repulsive......

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