Random Sunday Night Ramblings........
Interesting article in The BOregonian (a rare find in THAT paper). This stuff sounds gross. I mean, I love my Export A Greens, but I have noooo idea what this shit is, and nor do I have any intention of trying it! That sort of Red Man/Levi Strauss/Skoal/Copenhagen mouth-chew tobacco just totally grosses me out! Ewwwww........I think I'd rather lick an ashtray......
Wonder WHY they're test-marketing it in PDX? I mean, wouldn't this go better in, say, Colorado or any part of Texas OTHER than Austin??
I tried to find out about this stuff, but their website is tighter than Fort Knox (I mean you can easily get into ANY beer website by simply putting in a fake date of birth, but THIS???), so, JUST TO GET INTO THE WEBSITE solely for the purpose of finding out information, you have to fill out almost (no, I'm NOT exaggerating) a two-page application! So, after typing in a lot of fake information to get a password, I went back to the site and entered my "personal ID" number and my password (which was "Joecameltoe"), and it came back with "Apparently, there is a problem with your account. Please call 1-800-XXX-XXXX"
Maybe I shouldn't have put my name as "Dip Schitt - 1600 NW Pennsylvania Avenue NW - Washington DC - 20500" Hmmm......
Either that, or they intentionally withhold information on their website, so that you'll actually BUY this shit. I won't buy it....hell, I won't even take a free sample......just sounds too gross....
But, judging by the .jpeg below, it looks suspiciously similar to a tobacco product in tiny pouches called "Happy Days"....which is pretty gross!

Saw a couple movies on DVD this weekend.......
.....one was really scary, one was really funny.
"Snakes on a Plane" was probably thee funniest flick I'd seen in a while. Rent it on DVD, and check out the music video....it's almost as good at the video for "Multiplier No"
However, one of the scariest things I had seen in a long time is a documentary called "Who Killed the Electric Car".....this movie was just the scariest shit, and it should be seen in every high school science class. It's absurd.....the car companies HAVE (and actually, HAD for a while) the technology to make an electric car that is practical. I would have never gotten one because I was always under the belief that these things go MAYBE 45 M.P.H. TOPS and they can go MAYBE 30 miles before having to be recharged. Wrong....they go as fast, if not faster than petrol cars, and can go up to 150 miles on a single charge-up.
WHY, then....WHY NOT?
Just a couple points:
- You have to see in the movie where they show under the hood of one of these things. There is literally almost ZERO maintenance!! You can perform routine maintenance on these things WITHOUT the need for D&L Hand Cleaner! Uhhh.....thus, NO replacement parts (air filtres, oil and oil filtres, etc. etc. etc.) for a dealership to sell and install at a 100% profit markup.
- It pays to stall the technology! Hydrogen is the next big facade/farce the major automakers are saying is "....just around the corner...."! It pays for the automakers to always have something that the technology for is "....just around the corner...." because the longer Big Auto delays developing PRACTICAL, FUNCTIONAL technology, the longer it allows them to stall in meeting both, Federal and state zero emission laws and standards. Hydrogen fuel cells right now, in reality, cost hundreds of thousands of dollars! It's really sickening stuff.....
TO BE FAIR, though....GM had one of their spin artists create a blog that rebuts the points that were made in the film.
So.....to be fair and equal: http://www.gm.com/company/onlygm/fastlane_Blog.html#EV1

The Saturn EV-1.....rest in peace!
The Weekly Sports Action Debacle.....

Bobo and I tied, each hitting 5 out of 8 on two 4-pick cards.....no four-for-four cards were hit.
Interesting article in The BOregonian (a rare find in THAT paper). This stuff sounds gross. I mean, I love my Export A Greens, but I have noooo idea what this shit is, and nor do I have any intention of trying it! That sort of Red Man/Levi Strauss/Skoal/Copenhagen mouth-chew tobacco just totally grosses me out! Ewwwww........I think I'd rather lick an ashtray......
Wonder WHY they're test-marketing it in PDX? I mean, wouldn't this go better in, say, Colorado or any part of Texas OTHER than Austin??
I tried to find out about this stuff, but their website is tighter than Fort Knox (I mean you can easily get into ANY beer website by simply putting in a fake date of birth, but THIS???), so, JUST TO GET INTO THE WEBSITE solely for the purpose of finding out information, you have to fill out almost (no, I'm NOT exaggerating) a two-page application! So, after typing in a lot of fake information to get a password, I went back to the site and entered my "personal ID" number and my password (which was "Joecameltoe"), and it came back with "Apparently, there is a problem with your account. Please call 1-800-XXX-XXXX"
Maybe I shouldn't have put my name as "Dip Schitt - 1600 NW Pennsylvania Avenue NW - Washington DC - 20500" Hmmm......
Either that, or they intentionally withhold information on their website, so that you'll actually BUY this shit. I won't buy it....hell, I won't even take a free sample......just sounds too gross....
But, judging by the .jpeg below, it looks suspiciously similar to a tobacco product in tiny pouches called "Happy Days"....which is pretty gross!

Saw a couple movies on DVD this weekend.......
.....one was really scary, one was really funny.
"Snakes on a Plane" was probably thee funniest flick I'd seen in a while. Rent it on DVD, and check out the music video....it's almost as good at the video for "Multiplier No"
However, one of the scariest things I had seen in a long time is a documentary called "Who Killed the Electric Car".....this movie was just the scariest shit, and it should be seen in every high school science class. It's absurd.....the car companies HAVE (and actually, HAD for a while) the technology to make an electric car that is practical. I would have never gotten one because I was always under the belief that these things go MAYBE 45 M.P.H. TOPS and they can go MAYBE 30 miles before having to be recharged. Wrong....they go as fast, if not faster than petrol cars, and can go up to 150 miles on a single charge-up.
WHY, then....WHY NOT?
Just a couple points:
- You have to see in the movie where they show under the hood of one of these things. There is literally almost ZERO maintenance!! You can perform routine maintenance on these things WITHOUT the need for D&L Hand Cleaner! Uhhh.....thus, NO replacement parts (air filtres, oil and oil filtres, etc. etc. etc.) for a dealership to sell and install at a 100% profit markup.
- It pays to stall the technology! Hydrogen is the next big facade/farce the major automakers are saying is "....just around the corner...."! It pays for the automakers to always have something that the technology for is "....just around the corner...." because the longer Big Auto delays developing PRACTICAL, FUNCTIONAL technology, the longer it allows them to stall in meeting both, Federal and state zero emission laws and standards. Hydrogen fuel cells right now, in reality, cost hundreds of thousands of dollars! It's really sickening stuff.....
TO BE FAIR, though....GM had one of their spin artists create a blog that rebuts the points that were made in the film.
So.....to be fair and equal: http://www.gm.com/company/onlygm/fastlane_Blog.html#EV1

The Saturn EV-1.....rest in peace!
The Weekly Sports Action Debacle.....

Bobo and I tied, each hitting 5 out of 8 on two 4-pick cards.....no four-for-four cards were hit.
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