Sunday, December 31, 2006

Just a few final notes for 2006......

  • Well, IF The Skull-Zombie (Bills head coach Dick Jauron) had tried a field goal attempt that was a lot more achievable that he or Rian Lindell would have you believe, and made it, guess what??? YEP, the Denver Donkeys lost and so did Cincinnatti and Jacksonville. So that would have left the Jets (already in due to better record) taking the 5th playoff seed and, so what of the 6th and last playoff seed?? YEP!! The Bills and the Kansas City Chiefs would have tied! And then what?? Then the Bills get in and take the last playoff spot based on better conference record! DEATH to The Skull-Zombie Jauron!! Long hail Coach LEVY!

  • MARV woulda had the guts to try that kick, and we'd be in the playoffs today!!

  • Actually, given the shape he's in at 80 years old, Marv himself would have kicked and MADE that field goal....

Next year!



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