The Five Civilised Tribes????
As fucking if!!!!
This is just embarrassing!! I mean, it's not any question of's doing just what is morally and ethically RIGHT!!
Apparently, The Cherokee Nation just lost sight of what IS right.
Is THIS what Sherman Alexie meant in Smoke Signals when he penned this line into the script: "It's a good day to be indigenous"???
Maybe it is to The Cherokee Nation......
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On a happier note, an alma mater of this blog just got a bit of an early Easter present! Jerry Glanville put the blinders on and conveniently ignored that a school as Lefty as Portland State University, who could literally give a shit less about ANYTHING AT ALL having to do with school athletics, put out a good con job and enticed him to take the head coaching job for the football team.
I'd always been a fan of Jerry Glanville....going back to his days with The Houston Oilers (now Tennessee Titans) and can't believe a man of his caliber took a look at the athletic facilities at Portland State and said: "This'll do.....I'll take the job!"
Must like a challenge, I guess.....
Still though, I think now I'll actually go see a game or two this fall.......
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Laid out a fair amount of money (well, for my socio-economic status, 200 clams is a fair amount of money) and got my first ever digital camera today!
Apparently, this thing came out about five minutes ago and even cNet hasn't had a chance to look at it yet........but from what very few reviews I'd seen about this thing, apparently, for what little it costs, it has the capability to launch space
YAY!!! No more pirating pics offa Google Image search and plus, if I see something neat On The Road, it'll be posted more waiting for Walgreen's to pop the pics onto a CD-ROM and THEN get 'em to the blog.....
.....I mean, yeah, it's a lotta money, but if I figure for EACH disposable camera, to avoid taking total shit pictures that literally are unable to be processed, I hafta drop ten+ bucks on the specific Kodak HQ High-Definition camera (see below), THEN another ten on developing it onto a CD-ROM plus three days!

Way I see it, it'll pay for itself after about eight disposable cameras time.....
Sooooo.....I'll be re-activating the photo-blog shortly......soon as I see something interesting.....
As fucking if!!!!
This is just embarrassing!! I mean, it's not any question of's doing just what is morally and ethically RIGHT!!
Apparently, The Cherokee Nation just lost sight of what IS right.
Is THIS what Sherman Alexie meant in Smoke Signals when he penned this line into the script: "It's a good day to be indigenous"???
Maybe it is to The Cherokee Nation......
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On a happier note, an alma mater of this blog just got a bit of an early Easter present! Jerry Glanville put the blinders on and conveniently ignored that a school as Lefty as Portland State University, who could literally give a shit less about ANYTHING AT ALL having to do with school athletics, put out a good con job and enticed him to take the head coaching job for the football team.
I'd always been a fan of Jerry Glanville....going back to his days with The Houston Oilers (now Tennessee Titans) and can't believe a man of his caliber took a look at the athletic facilities at Portland State and said: "This'll do.....I'll take the job!"
Must like a challenge, I guess.....
Still though, I think now I'll actually go see a game or two this fall.......
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Laid out a fair amount of money (well, for my socio-economic status, 200 clams is a fair amount of money) and got my first ever digital camera today!
Apparently, this thing came out about five minutes ago and even cNet hasn't had a chance to look at it yet........but from what very few reviews I'd seen about this thing, apparently, for what little it costs, it has the capability to launch space
YAY!!! No more pirating pics offa Google Image search and plus, if I see something neat On The Road, it'll be posted more waiting for Walgreen's to pop the pics onto a CD-ROM and THEN get 'em to the blog.....
.....I mean, yeah, it's a lotta money, but if I figure for EACH disposable camera, to avoid taking total shit pictures that literally are unable to be processed, I hafta drop ten+ bucks on the specific Kodak HQ High-Definition camera (see below), THEN another ten on developing it onto a CD-ROM plus three days!

Way I see it, it'll pay for itself after about eight disposable cameras time.....
Sooooo.....I'll be re-activating the photo-blog shortly......soon as I see something interesting.....
LOVE the irony of your point. Guess it just depends on what one's definition of "civilised" is.
I mean, while White America doesn't care to give reparations and the reneged on forty acres and a mule, they at least gave US citizenship via the 14th Amendment to freed African-American slaves!
The Cherokee Nation held slaves and now they're revoking tribal membership of the decendants of these same slaves?
They begrudgingly gave US citizenship to freed African-American slaves. I dare say the South still was not for it at all. Look at it this way, if ALL Natives were to vote on this, obviously freedmen would be considered tribal members. However, ONLY one tribe, the Cherokee, voted on this. It's like asking Mississippi and only Mississippi to vote. Remember, the Cherokees supported the South in the civil war. Again, they are indeed civilized. They were the first to closely emulate their white neighbors...greed, racism and all. I'd say they were taught well...too well... to be like their neighbors.
It's all about the money you know. Has nothing to do with color. It's about one of the largest Native tribes not wanting to give up any of the pittance the US government gives to them. They want to keep as much of it as possible. The fewer they have to share it with, the better. It's funny how the oppressed will become the oppressor when it comes right down to it. Is that just human nature?
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