A couple of random thoughts......
Would it have been the same if Johnny Thunders died in, say, Toledo, Ohio as opposed to New Orleans?

....and (bad) Bucky's screws up (NOT to be confused with good Bucky.....although they both are frequently sighted):

This was too funny. I despise coffee and yet a couple days ago even I got one of these in my E-mail from one of My People (thanx for the offer, Glammy Pammy)! It looked just like this, and had a .pdf attachment of a coupon for some typically overpriced Starbucks laxative-like beverage:
Starting today until September 30th, please join us in "surprising and delighting" our family and friends, while introducing you to our iced beverages. Attached is an invitation for a complimentary iced Grande beverage. Please forward this invitation to everyone in your email address book.
Thanks so much!
Kimberly Beasley
Starbucks Coffee Company
Southeast Regional Coordinator
(404) 636-5200 ext 2200
What the HELL were they trying to do? Why not physically hand out something that can't easily be duplicated, like gift cards or something.....??? Does this Kimberly person really exist? If she does exist and DOES ACTUALLY work for Starbucks, I'm sure that she didn't state "Please forward this invitation to everybody in your E-mail address book."
MAYBE SHE DID, though......Was this bird about to git the axe from the higher corporate levels of Bucky's and decided to go out with a bang?? Mistake or intentional, does she still work for Starbucks?? Is she cute?
....according to snopes.com, she DOES exist, DOES work for Starbucks, and they made no mention as to whether she's cute or not, nor about the dastardly implication behind the quotation marks surrounding the words surprising and delighting.......
So, if I were Kimberly Beasley, I thought, what would I order at my local Starbucks (shit, there's NEVER one near you, is there?? Why don't they just build more of them)?? So I though about a few answers that Kim might order up, and I plugged them into the Starbucks Oracle:
Minutes of fun, really.....go ahead, have a go......I mean, I've been to Starbucks about four times in my life (two of those being threatened by my buddy Hillbilly Jay that if I didn't stop there to feed his Starbuck's addiction, he'd forcibly commandeer the car and drive us there) and all I remember is that they got gay names for the drinks ("Venti"??? "Grande"?? The fuck's up with THAT idiocy??). So on the Starbucks Oracle, you can even put in "Grandi Venti" like I did ('cause I don't know ANY of the names of those stoooopid-ass coffees) and STILL get an answer!!!

I'm taking off forra while......and I don't think where I'm going has legitimate Internet access.....so I'lll post (with lost more pics on the pic page) Wednesday the 6th!!!
Have a good holiday....
Would it have been the same if Johnny Thunders died in, say, Toledo, Ohio as opposed to New Orleans?

....and (bad) Bucky's screws up (NOT to be confused with good Bucky.....although they both are frequently sighted):

This was too funny. I despise coffee and yet a couple days ago even I got one of these in my E-mail from one of My People (thanx for the offer, Glammy Pammy)! It looked just like this, and had a .pdf attachment of a coupon for some typically overpriced Starbucks laxative-like beverage:
Starting today until September 30th, please join us in "surprising and delighting" our family and friends, while introducing you to our iced beverages. Attached is an invitation for a complimentary iced Grande beverage. Please forward this invitation to everyone in your email address book.
Thanks so much!
Kimberly Beasley
Starbucks Coffee Company
Southeast Regional Coordinator
(404) 636-5200 ext 2200
What the HELL were they trying to do? Why not physically hand out something that can't easily be duplicated, like gift cards or something.....??? Does this Kimberly person really exist? If she does exist and DOES ACTUALLY work for Starbucks, I'm sure that she didn't state "Please forward this invitation to everybody in your E-mail address book."
MAYBE SHE DID, though......Was this bird about to git the axe from the higher corporate levels of Bucky's and decided to go out with a bang?? Mistake or intentional, does she still work for Starbucks?? Is she cute?
....and WHY is surprising and delighting in quotes and different colour font?? That really makes me nervous! Shit, any invite to a place like Starbucks where I am to be "surprised and delighted" really puts me on edge.......
....according to snopes.com, she DOES exist, DOES work for Starbucks, and they made no mention as to whether she's cute or not, nor about the dastardly implication behind the quotation marks surrounding the words surprising and delighting.......
So, if I were Kimberly Beasley, I thought, what would I order at my local Starbucks (shit, there's NEVER one near you, is there?? Why don't they just build more of them)?? So I though about a few answers that Kim might order up, and I plugged them into the Starbucks Oracle:
Minutes of fun, really.....go ahead, have a go......I mean, I've been to Starbucks about four times in my life (two of those being threatened by my buddy Hillbilly Jay that if I didn't stop there to feed his Starbuck's addiction, he'd forcibly commandeer the car and drive us there) and all I remember is that they got gay names for the drinks ("Venti"??? "Grande"?? The fuck's up with THAT idiocy??). So on the Starbucks Oracle, you can even put in "Grandi Venti" like I did ('cause I don't know ANY of the names of those stoooopid-ass coffees) and STILL get an answer!!!
Isn't technology wonderful??

I'm taking off forra while......and I don't think where I'm going has legitimate Internet access.....so I'lll post (with lost more pics on the pic page) Wednesday the 6th!!!
Have a good holiday....
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