Sunday, July 23, 2006

Too much Buffalo.....not enough Ernie....

  • Did have fun in Western New York. Actually did go to my high skool reunion Friday, danced on a few tables, won a raffle prize I never even bought a ticket for and saw some people I was actually kinda glad to see. My friend and I had a spirited debate on the drive home as to exactly who out of our former classmates goes the other way and who doesn't......

  • Thought no place could have more humidity than Oregon......wrong again. Buffalo had the lovely "wet, hot blanket effect" as soon as one would leave an air-conditioned house!

  • It's easy to see why people in Western New York tend towards the more obese side physically. After eating in Buffalo for three days, one will easily wonder how people in other cities eat the slop that's foisted in front of them!

  • Got to hang at my folks house for a few days. My mum looooooves these really moronic, brainless sort of conservative cop shows, like "America's Most Wanted" and "COPS". Now, probably thee one thing that's more embarassing than the fact that these shows are actually allowed to air on American Television in the first place is that a pretty fair number of Americans actually tune in to watch these show! THAT shit's distressing in and of itself!

So, I see one episode of America's Most Wanted (and watching absolute anti-intellect, right-wing fuckwitt James Walsh blather on making statements like "Police want to nail this skumbag to the wall" and shit like that. Kinda interesting that BEFORE the suspect guy was even found guilty of anything at a trial or a plea bargain, he's a skumbag, according to Fuckwitt Walsh. Please note: The term "suspect is NEVER used in "America's Most Wanted".....and if you look carefully, most of the "skumbags" that they are chasing after are Hispanic or African American).

On this episode, they had some African-American guy (co-host?)going on a tirade against the good, rural folks of the Southern Tier of Western New York for making Bucky a bit of a folk hero. Too funny....

Flight takes off and more soon.....



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