Saturday, February 02, 2008


.....sound comes out fine on here. First chink in the EEE pc's armour: Their media file player is pure crap! Gonna hafta download RealPlayer on this thing.....

That being said that it ain't the camera or the computer, but rather the media player (which doesn't even have a name) that was put on this thing either by EEE pc or by Xandros LINUX, I'll pop another roller derby vid on here!

More Later,



Blogger HRD said...

This looks daunting but you might as well get used to fiddlin' with Linux ...

6:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good lad!

Yeah, it really doesn't play back the audio correctly at all on videos I shoot with my digital camera and then pop on the computer, but it KEEPS the audio on the vid SAFE for transfer to the web, send for E-Mails, etc.

That to me signals that the player can't recognise certain audio files!

BUT, that I shoot with sound with the EEE pc's own built-in webcam....the audio comes out perfect upon playback. What gives???

Guess that Media player that came with the EEE pc is rubbish.....I kinda wonder if a major brand media player (e.g. - RealPlayer.....QuickTime, etc. etc.) makes a LINUX-compatable version?

I'll check the link ya posted tomorrow! 'ppreciate it, Ace....


11:54 PM  

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