Monday, September 10, 2007

Not exactly "a day at the beach".......

  • Sometimes, I've recently learned, it is not wise to harbour electronic goods on the beach during a 45+ M.P.H. gentle breeze and a fucking Saharan style sandstorm!!

Needless to say, my digital camera is now in the hospital and my cell fone went D.O.A.! Well, at least I have my shitty $20 pre-paid backup fone that I just slipped my SIM card into.....

Felt like a total idiot when I relayed this story to the guy at the camera repair place. He told me to relax and explained that sand is indeed his number one repair by volume!!! OK....I don't feel so stupid.....must be an Oregon thing......

Still, though....coulda been worse. My camera could have gone for a swim into the salt water of The Pacific......

  • Man, will SOMEBODY please buy the Buffalo Bills an offense??

Let's all hope for a complete recovery for Kevin shitty as that game was, there are some things of far greater importance than football, like hoping that a young man will someday be able to walk again......

More shortly....



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