Monday, August 27, 2007

Separation of Church and Footer........

....this, seriously, is one of the funniest things I'd seen in a while!! Seriously!! It's literally straight out of Spinal Tap!!

......except it really happened......

....errrmmm, for all the millions.....uhhhh, no, BILLIONS we're spending.....uuhhh, no, WASTING on this shit, couldn't you possibly find an extra $50,000 a year to pay somebody to run the office of understanding cultural mores???????????

Sorry....I'm literally still in disbelief that this really happened! Seriously, I'm waiting for an MSNBC retraction, apologising that somebody hacked their Website and put nonsensical make-believe stories on it!! Or that a disgruntled former employee played a joke on the network! No, this is absurd! We're not THAT stupid culturally.....right......?



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