Thursday, May 24, 2007


.....invading Iraq was NOT about the oil!! It was all about removing a tyrannical despot from power and securing the safety of the United States from weapons of mass destruction!


Sure it was.......yep.....

So, WHY then are the Right-Wingers in the Administration so pissed off that the Iraqi Parliament is refusing to pass a bill that will give foreign (namely U.S. and British) oil companies Carte Blanch over Iraq's oil reserves?


The veto of the price-gouging bill is great! Apparently, restricting supply (like several large oil conglomerates have been caught doing with their little refinery shell game) to artificially drive up prices isn't "price-gouging" in Dubya's world!

Christ.....worse than the Goddamm airlines.......
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Gonna be travelling most of the next two weeks........I'll post when I pics if I find anything interesting.....



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