Monday, May 21, 2007

Idaho and Utah.......

......'nuff said! 'splains everything right there in just those two words alone!

First, we'll remember college kids with guns in Utah.....but now, this wack job!

I love this little redneck - quote-: "There have been good opportunities to speak to people," he said. "I make sure they know that open carrying is legal, why I carry and I encourage them to consider doing so themselves."

Wonder if an African-American male just moved into Post Falls, Idaho.......would Zach walk up to him, welcome him to Post Falls, and encourage him to consider carrying a gun??

Northern Idaho is one of thee scariest places on Earf!! It's where Mark Furman and most Los Angeles cops go and retire. It was the home of the Aryan Nations before their "security guards" at their "compound" got drunk and started assaulting some local Native Americans....who then sued the absolute hell out of the Aryan Nations and won in court and took possession of the Hayden Lake compound and the trademarked name "Aryan Nations."

Just creepy......



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