Well, after celebrating......
......International celebrate American obesity and over-indulgence day *, it just struck me:
TODAY (and now, also tomorrow) is -
There are events being held all over to celebrate!! I was stunned when, in a culture as money-grubbing and materialistic as Denver, that they are even getting on the bandwagon:
A local group sponsored by the Ringo Kamens Foundation will be hosting a protest against excessive consumerism that will coincide with international Buy Nothing Day.
There will be consumer cleansing/baptism, confession of shopping sins, music, and free giveaways. Visitors can also sign a pledge to buy nothing on Buy Nothing Day.
All media is welcome to attend. Those interested in joining, covering, or seeing the event should direct their inquiries to the Ringo Kamens Foundation Buy Nothing Day representative at 2600denver [at] gmail [dot] com.
DATE: NOV. 25 7:30 until approx 4:00
PLACE: Chambers Wal-Mart (5650 S Chambers Rd, Centennial)
1. If possible, bring a trash can to beat on so that we can make as much legal noise as possible.
2. Bring Adbusters flyers as well as consumer items you wish to recycle.
3. Come and if nobody is there, start protesting. Go inside the walmart (or other stores) and perform a mini whirlmart (walk around with an empty basket and get others to join you). This event is meant to shock people into thinking about their consumer habits.
Wear the most ridiculous clothing you own.
Although, I really shouldn't be surprised: I read my first ever issue of Adbusters in Denver in 1995.....
But sadly, the entire thing DOES beg questions that Adbusters doesn't answer clearly!! Errmmm......what about purchasing foodstuffs? Booze? Gambling against orangutans? Shit, should we just keep the computer off and that way, not have to buy electricity?? What ARE the parameters?
THIS brilliantly written piece helps give us an example.......and I just totally love this quote from the comment somebody made about this article: "....this is clearly unhealthy and can become an endless cycle of wanting, buying, discarding, and wanting more."
Other resources for ignoring "Black Friday":
* - In the United States, this holiday is commonly referred to as "Thanksgiving"
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A friend of mine from Canada was quite stunned when he learned that the phrase "D.W.B." is NOT actually a joke and then he looked it up on Planet Zowie* and found all the proof he needed that it is a very real American phenomenon. Course, this same person was stunned shitless when they were scorned by co-workers after innocently using the term "Oriental"....but that's another P.C. debate for a later day!
So....what about this, then??
Some people I know have expressed major outrage.......Other friends have stated they are seriously relieved.....citing El Al's "successful" profiling of Muslims to avoid terrorist incidents on their planes.....and then there's Air Gord's profiling of ANYBODY who nods their head a lot whilst on a plane....
Jewish.....Muslim.....doesn't matter!

A) - DON'T act stoooopid on a goddamm plane!!
B) - Pray AFTER you land....that way you have more to be thankful in that the goddamm plane got there safely! Especially if you are a worse flyer than I am.....
*-REMEMBER: By copyright law, you cannot use the term "Googled" as a verb!!! It's a trademark, dammit!!!!
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