Is it me.......
....or did gas prices dip dramatically about three weeks before election day (like, around October 15th, it was about $2.24/gallon of regular unleaded here in PDX).......and then shoot upwards around November 8th or 9th (and for the past week or so, it's like $2.56 or so per gallon in Portland)?? I have no idea if this bizarre effect occurred nationwide, but for some reason......I suspect that it is not localised.
- Buffalo just had it's 70th homicide this year. On Hertel Avenue too.....man....and I was always under the impression that North Buffalo was one of the last remaining "safer" places in the city. I mean, I knew where my friend was gunned down isn't the best place in the world (Main and Leroy), but shit....come on: North Buffalo???
- And today's time-waster: http://www.atomfilms.com/afassets/flash/animator_v_animation2.swf
......Just another reason why my Antivirus software is Avast!
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