Ignorance of American Football Make Much Benefit for Glorious Lottery of Oregon.....
WHY do I still bother? Gosh....should I really be upset that Oregon is pulling this game after the end of this season??

Nine correct out of 20 picks played for 45% correct!

Errrmm........same as above (9 - 20 = 45%)
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Speaking of Make Glorious Benefit......I can't believe some fuckwitted Frat Boys From Hell who got drunk and were filmed on that Borat flick are NOW SUING the studio, claiming that it embarrassed them??
I mean, they are claiming shit like lost careers, lost internships, etc. etc. etc. because they were mislead by the crew filming this movie that this movie was ".....a documentary to be shown outside of the United States...."
Well, IT IS being shown outside the United States!!! I could go to Vancouver B.C. and see it or to Sussex, U.K. to go see it!!
Anyways, I mean, it's kinda like a bad defamation case where the persecuted person says/prints/posts truthful things and somebody who might be embarrassed by said items really just doesn't want that these things to actually see the light of day, so they threaten to sue (and never actually do end up filing, 'cause Civil Litigation attorneys STILL charge you for representation even if you lose a defamation trail), these Frat Boys From Hell were embarrassed by what they said on camera, and are grasping at straws to explain their behavior! Including suing in court in an attempt to have the scene deleted from the film!!!
If what the producers of the film did was so wrong, then WHY is the NATIONAL CHAPTER of this frat actually distancing themselves from these three fuckwitts???
I mean, legally....thee only long shot in hell they MIGHT have is if some Justice/Judge/Magistrate/lawyer-pretending-to-be-a-judge agrees that signing a release form is similar to a contract in that the four basic criteria of any binding business agreement (waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too boring to get into all of them here) HAVE ALL got to be met and that ONE of the four criteria was NOT met.
That being: Two parties have to both be deemed to be COMPETENT TO CONTRACT with each other. Well, intoxicated individuals, minors, individuals committed to mental institutions, etc. etc. etc. are NOT deemed to be competent parties to a contract in tort law.
For a judge to equate a release form to a contractual agreement, though.....that'd be a bit of a stretch.
DISCLAIMER - DO NOT take this to heart and as gospel truth.
I have literally seen some of thee weirdest shit happen at Civil Litigation....so nothing's iron-clad. Better yet, these are just generally accepted guidelines.....
Just that the sad part of this entire thing is that (allegedly) Pamela Anderson stated that she WAS aware and in on the filming during one of the final scenes in the movie.
THAT bothered me.....
Therefore, what IF this lawsuit is fake and that these Frat Boys From Hell aren't really actual Frat Boys but rather actors and doing this to drum up publicity for their movie??
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Speaking of law.....Jack Abramoff is reporting to prison today!!!
Life is good.....
WHY do I still bother? Gosh....should I really be upset that Oregon is pulling this game after the end of this season??

Nine correct out of 20 picks played for 45% correct!

Errrmm........same as above (9 - 20 = 45%)
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Speaking of Make Glorious Benefit......I can't believe some fuckwitted Frat Boys From Hell who got drunk and were filmed on that Borat flick are NOW SUING the studio, claiming that it embarrassed them??
I mean, they are claiming shit like lost careers, lost internships, etc. etc. etc. because they were mislead by the crew filming this movie that this movie was ".....a documentary to be shown outside of the United States...."
Well, IT IS being shown outside the United States!!! I could go to Vancouver B.C. and see it or to Sussex, U.K. to go see it!!
Anyways, I mean, it's kinda like a bad defamation case where the persecuted person says/prints/posts truthful things and somebody who might be embarrassed by said items really just doesn't want that these things to actually see the light of day, so they threaten to sue (and never actually do end up filing, 'cause Civil Litigation attorneys STILL charge you for representation even if you lose a defamation trail), these Frat Boys From Hell were embarrassed by what they said on camera, and are grasping at straws to explain their behavior! Including suing in court in an attempt to have the scene deleted from the film!!!
If what the producers of the film did was so wrong, then WHY is the NATIONAL CHAPTER of this frat actually distancing themselves from these three fuckwitts???
I mean, legally....thee only long shot in hell they MIGHT have is if some Justice/Judge/Magistrate/lawyer-pretending-to-be-a-judge agrees that signing a release form is similar to a contract in that the four basic criteria of any binding business agreement (waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too boring to get into all of them here) HAVE ALL got to be met and that ONE of the four criteria was NOT met.
That being: Two parties have to both be deemed to be COMPETENT TO CONTRACT with each other. Well, intoxicated individuals, minors, individuals committed to mental institutions, etc. etc. etc. are NOT deemed to be competent parties to a contract in tort law.
For a judge to equate a release form to a contractual agreement, though.....that'd be a bit of a stretch.
DISCLAIMER - DO NOT take this to heart and as gospel truth.
I have literally seen some of thee weirdest shit happen at Civil Litigation....so nothing's iron-clad. Better yet, these are just generally accepted guidelines.....
Just that the sad part of this entire thing is that (allegedly) Pamela Anderson stated that she WAS aware and in on the filming during one of the final scenes in the movie.
THAT bothered me.....
Therefore, what IF this lawsuit is fake and that these Frat Boys From Hell aren't really actual Frat Boys but rather actors and doing this to drum up publicity for their movie??
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Speaking of law.....Jack Abramoff is reporting to prison today!!!
Life is good.....
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