Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Random Wednesday ramblings of no particular importance.....

Of neckties....

I was running out of my house today (like most days, I literally run because I'm perpetually late for something) off to work when I passed by my closet. Bored yet amused, I decided to grab a necktie. I had always stated for several years that I would never wear a corporate collar and dress like a professional unless I get paid like a professional.

Well, I have breached that XXX dollar amount per year where I did tell myself that, if told to as part of the dress code, I WOULD slap on a tie. BUT, it is NOT part of the dress code in the jurisdiction where I work (come on....Pacific NorthWest???)! But still, I was bored today, so for shits and giggles......I wore one to work today!

Needless to say, quite a few jaws dropped! Women were complimenting me, guys were smiling, nodding their heads.....kinda creepy.

Weird.....came in handy, though. Got a rather hefty amount of respect from an Assistant District Attorney when I drove across town during lunch as she was advising me on the procedure as to how to press charges against an individual, and my boss actually allowed me to come in 90 minutes late on Thursday Morning so I could catch the U.S.-Ghana World Cup match!

Tomorrow, though, I go back to wearing my fatigues, hiking shoes and my hemp shirt!

....and of Union meetings....

This is the first position I have held where I am lucky enough to belong to a legitimate union (well, actually, ANY union). What I mean by "legitimate" is an organising body that actually possesses some literal bargaining and protective power for the workers.

Tonight was my first union meeting. I had no idea what to expect.....

I mean, I grew up in the Industrial NorthEast! I was expecting an ooooold, large wooden hall called something like "The Loyal Order of the Fraternal Brotherhood of Government Workers Lodge" and they would hold weddings and punk shows there when they weren't conducting union business! A sort of place with fold-up wooden chairs lined up in rows and a dimly-lit, smoke-filled room with a bar at the corner and plenty of ass cleavage of heavyweight middle-aged labourer guys (and women)!

A place where some gruff-looking sort would mumble to the meeting facilitator: "That blankety-blank foreman Mr. Slate is always giving me guff about blah blah blah blah......" and some rail-thin man would stand up in the back of the smoke-filled room and shout: "We don't need to take that bologna!! Let's STRIKE!!!!!" And then 300+ union workers would stand up and cheer wildly and toast their beer glasses and then, suddenly, a movie film crew would show up.....

(this is all in black-and-white, of course!)

This turned out to be in the Parks Bureau garages meeting room, and about 35 people showed up. It was brightly lit, no smoking to be found anywhere, no beer, and they served healthy platters of fruit (come on...this IS the Pacific NorthWest!!)....

....and then a board member bitched about the low turnout!!

Christ on a bike!!!! Make me Grand Poobah or whatever they're called, and I'LL show 'em how to hold a proper union meeting!!! THAT'LL boost attendance!


P.S. - Watch the match tomorrow (10AM Eastern Time) your nation....we really have to win this one!

I mean, if this great game can pause civil wars.....the least you can do for your country is call in sick and plunk your ass down in front of a television set tomorrow morning for this critical footer match!!


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